Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tooth Explosion!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Remember When...
Friday, December 5, 2008
Hey, I Love Legos Too
Bubbie, Mommy, Jacob, Uncle Stuart and Uncle Adam after Thanksgiving dinner.
I forgot to add that he's now feeding himself banana or avocado. I'll have to post a picture of that soon, but basically, if we place a chunk of banana on his tray, he will pick it up and hold it himself and eat it with his little teeth. It's so cute. He does the same with avocado, but that's a little too slippery at times.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Another Tooth and a Visit from Grandpa

Monday, November 17, 2008
It's Official!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
9-Month Check Up
We are somewhat concerned about Jacob's slow motor development. My personal doctor recommended getting an assessment of his motor development by the Baltimore Infant and Toddlers Program. They do free assessments and if it's determined that he needs some physical therapy, that's free too. It's a federally funded program. Both Caroline and I really don't want to be those parents that worry about every little thing. I'm sure in good time, Jacob will do everything from rolling around to walking, but I just wanted to see what this was about and if it could help. His doctor says give him more tummy time and let him cry a little longer. Easier said than done. Interestingly enough, Jacob got some tummy time when we got home and spent a good long time entertaining himself without tears. Who knows?
Here's a little video of Jacob in the bath. He's been enjoying bath time and learning how to play in the water.
BIG NEWS ALERT: Our adoption hearing is this Saturday, National Adoption Day, at the Clarence Mitchell Courthouse! We're really excited to finally be "official" in the eyes of the State of Maryland. We are actually quite lucky that Maryland allows second-parent adoption for gay families. There are many states that don't. We're looking forward to our day in court!
Monday, November 10, 2008
I Heart New York
We drove up to Brooklyn to Caroline B.'s place Saturday morning. The trip went pretty smoothly, but Jacob got lonely in the back seat so I had to hop back there to keep him company. He loved Aunt Caroline! We spent the afternoon at her apartment because of the never-ending rain. That evening Jack came by and we all went out to dinner.
The next morning we had bagels and headed to Jack's for the day. Jacob spent time with Jack (aka Pappa) and Ramsey. He had a great time hanging out in their cute studio apartment. We took a walk over to the park and played on the playground. Jacob had a blast.
The car ride home was less than fun. I think Jacob just had enough of his car seat and was inconsolable for a while. He finally fell asleep for the Maryland leg of the trip. When we arrived home, he transitioned to his crib smoothly. He woke up around midnight for pjs, a diaper, and a snack and then slept the rest of the night through. It was a whirlwind weekend for this little jet setter!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Random News
He's also going to be sporting his homemade, hand-knitted wardrobe. The flap-cap is Caroline's creation. You can't quite tell,
Jacob has graduated to three meals a day. Here's a sample menu:
Breakfast, porridge of-
- grains (rice, barley, millet, Bulgar, or kasha)
- orange veggie such as carrot, sweet potato or squash
- green veggie such as peas or asparagus
- protein such as egg yolk or ground pumpkin seeds
- yogurt (Stonyfield Farm Yo Baby Simply Plain)
- fruit such as apple, pear, banana, peach, kiwi, mango
Dinner is another porridge similar to breakfast and maybe a teething biscuit. Also, if Caroline and I are eating some of the veggies Jacob has eaten like carrots or sweet potatoes, I'll smash it a bit and give it to him as finger food. He's not quite into the finger food yet, so it's mainly just practice. We've also included ground flax, tahini and kelp into his diet, as instructed by the Super Baby Food book. He loves eating. Right now, he eats pretty much anything we offer him and he's working really hard on holding the sippy cup to drink water. If he does it himself, most of the water ends up on his shirt, but he's getting there.
Anyway, that's really all the news I have for now. Jacob's next doctor appointment is Tuesday. I'm looking forward to learning how tall he is and how much he weighs, though I know he weighs about 20 pounds. We're also going to ask the doctor about Jacob's development. He seems behind most of the milestones which is probably because he was a preemie, but I just want to be sure we have nothing to worry about. Jacob is moving along. He moves himself more and is definitely showing progress, which I think is the important thing.It's an unseasonably warm day in Baltimore again. We're going to the tot lot this afternoon for playtime!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Play Date
Monday, October 27, 2008
Where's That Darn Pumpkin Patch?
Yesterday was an adventurous day! We were in search of a pumpkin patch and drove all over Baltimore County looking for one.
We started out at Weber's Farm. I thought they would have a pumpkin patch because they sold pumpkins and had lots of family activities. No such luck. They had lots of pumpkins, but no pumpkin patch. So we got some pictures of the goats and the tractor and jumped in the car in search of a real pumpkin patch. (We also bought a yummy Caramel walnut apple pie!)
Caroline remembered the name of a farm she wanted to visit and after placing a few calls to Directory Assistance, we got directions to Huber Family Farm. They did have a pumpkin patch. And we learned a valuable lesson. If you want a pumpkin patch, you have to go to a Pick-Your-Own farm. That was the difference between Weber's farm and Huber Family Farm. So here are the pumpkin patch pictures. Jacob finds dirt very fascinating so he had a good time rolling around in the pumpkins.
Remember our trip to Larriland Farm? Jacob fell asleep just as we got to the pumpkin patch, so we skipped it. Well, he did the same this time around too, but we were determined to get our picture. When he woke up in the pumpkin patch, he was excited the adventure was still in full swing.
Finally, we ended our day at Aunt Steffie's where we had a Halloween themed play date with Aidan and our new friend Dillon. We met Dillon's dads through Families With Pride, a GLBT parents group in Baltimore. Dillon is a couple of weeks older than Jacob. Look, they are both lions! Aidan is that cute pumpkin in the middle.
So, all in all, it was a busy day. Jacob had a lot of fun playing with his friends and going on our adventure. When we got home, he ate and went fast asleep. Sweet dreams.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Pick Your Own
Jacob is getting stronger and stronger on his belly. He manages to find some interesting things when it's tummy time.
Then we went apple picking. That was great. We got a bunch of fresh apples that I can't wait to dig into.
All in all, it was a great day. We tried to make it to the pumpkin patch for a picture, but as we were driving back to it, Jacob passed out from his big adventure so we just went on home. He had a great time and we plan on going back in the spring for berry picking.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Giggle Fits and such
Today's feature is Giggle Fits by Jacob Irving Harmon-Darrow. He finds life very amusing right now. It's such a pleasure. Please enjoy.
What's new? Well, we are transitioning Jacob into his own crib. He's been sleeping in a co-sleeper since we brought him home and we think the time has come for him to sleep in his own room. He's been sleeping through the night for months (with the exception of this week) so it's not as important to have him at arm's reach. Even though he's been waking up at the 3 a.m. hour this week for no apparent reason, I'm hoping the transition to his crib will actually help him to sleep through the night again. Caroline has blocked his windows with dark coverings to keep the room nice and dark for him. It's been helping his napping a lot. He's had a few nice long naps in his crib this week. Wish us luck with our new sleeping arrangements!
Here's the most recent list of foods Jacob eats: tofu, mango, millet, barley, brown rice, sweet potato, carrots, apples, pears, nectarines, peaches, peas, asparagus, avocado, egg (yolk), and yogurt. I may be forgetting something, but that's a pretty full list.
This weekend we're heading out to Larriland Farm to pick our own yummies and have a hayride. Aidan and Steffie will be joining us. Fun!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Rosh Hashanah
In Florida, he spent a lot of time on his Bubbie's lap. He loved Bubbie!
Unfortunately, he didn't love the pool.
And he was a big hit at synagogue with his cute yarmulke.
Overall, it was a great trip. Jacob had lots of fun with my aunt and uncle and cousins. He can't wait to go back. He also tried his first mango and he things it was really yummy.
Friday, September 19, 2008
First Teeth, First Cold
His other first of the week is not as fun - his first cold. Jacob has been pretty congested for the last 24 hours. Last night offered very little sleep for me and Caroline as we took turns holding him upright so he could fall asleep and drain his sinuses. Caroline made a MacGyver-like adjustment to his bassinet so he could be propped up while sleeping. It was great and helped Jacob sleep really well.
Last but not least, Jacob is working really hard on sitting up on his own (see picture to the right)! He can stay up for at least 30 to 60 seconds before tumbling over.
Well, the peanut has finally awoken from his extended sleep. That means it's time for his second breakfast. Here I come Jake!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Nap time ... I wish

Friday, September 5, 2008
Caroline makes all of his food at home using recipes from various resources. Of course, being from California, she was very invested in his affection for avocado. At first, he rejected the green fruit. But after several tries, we added a bit of breast milk to it and he enjoyed it very much! We had the same experience with bananas. He rejected it over and over, so we took a break. Then recently Caroline tried again by mixing it with yogurt and he loved it. Today, I fed him straight banana ... okay, there was a hint of breast milk in it.
Currently, his solid food diet consists of apples, bananas, rice cereal, yogurt, and avocado when it's available. We will be adding carrots this week.
Three more weeks until our trip to Bubbie!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
6 Months!
First laughs, 3 months...

So there you are. Jacob truly is a happy boy. He wakes up laughing! I can only imagine what he dreams about.
We've started him on solids. Caroline is a super mom, making all his baby food from scratch using fresh, organic fruits and veggies. Check out Super Baby Food if you want to know more.
Well, I'll try to keep up at least once a week! Maybe once a month???
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Let me just start off by answering the question, "Why the Mighty Jacob?" Well, as you know, he only weighed 4.5 pounds when he was born. I think he's mighty because he's worked so hard to grow so big and fast! Now he's 14 pounds and 24 inches long! That's mighty to me.
Today is Caroline's first day with both Aidan and Jacob. Aidan is our friend, Steffie's, baby. he's a bit over 2 months old. Caroline will be his nanny. When I left for work, they were both content. Jacob was awake and Aidan was just waking. Jacob was very interested in the new baby in the house. We actually got them together last weekend. When we put them face to face, they were captivated by one another! There were lots of smiles between the two of them. It was so cute!
So, just to catch up on the mighty Jacob, he's 4 months old. Everyday he tries new sounds with which to express himself. He's very talkative and loves to converse with us. He's not quite rolling over yet, though he's done it several times, but he's very close. I actually think he'll be doing a back-to-front rollover soon. He's taken to arching his back while lying down and it looks like it will turn into a rollover.
He loves his mobile and likes to have a burp cloth to cling to at all times. He's drooling like crazy ... teeth are on their way. He smiles a lot when he's awake! He seems like a very happy baby. We've started playing games to get him to sit up on his own. He can't do it yet, but he loves the game in which I pull him into a sitting position with his hands. As soon as he gets to the sitting position, he grins a big toothless Cheshire cat grin.
It has been a joy since the day he was born. Our family is very happy.