The stats are as follows from Jacob's 15 month check up - 30.5 inches tall, 23 lbs and 2 oz. (I could have sworn he was at least 25 lbs!) He's only gained about a pound since his birthday, but he's grown about 3 inches if my memory serves me right.
Okay, today's pictures are going to be backwards, but they are all from the last couple of weeks, so no big deal. The warm spring days have given us a lot of opportunity to play outside. We've been spending a lot of time at our favorite playground. Today we went to
Honfest. Jacob really enjoyed himself and even wore Caroline's Orioles cap for a while. It got him a lot of looks.

Jacob's fork and spoon skills are getting really good. Unfortunately, he's still not great with feeding himself yogurt and things like that. This leads to often frustrating mealtimes with foods that still have to be fed to him. Sometimes we abandon it and go for the finger foods he feeds himself. The result can be seen below. That's Jake after a half of avocado, self-fed.

Our flowers are blooming on the front lawn. This was just a perfect picture of playtime in the late afternoon.

Caroline is back at
Community Mediation one day a week and we couldn't stay away. We went to visit Mama last Friday and Jacob was fascinated with the view.

Here we are at our favorite playground. Here's Mama and Jacob on the see-saw...

... and me and Jacob going down the slide.

Recently, we had an opportunity to visit
North Point Park with our friends Amy and Scott. It was a very lovely park and we had a great time. Scott carried Jacob all around and gave Caroline and I a much needed break. Jacob really enjoyed himself and so did we!

Well, that's all for now. Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with the blog. I will definitely make it once a month but still try for once a week. Last bit of news, Jacob is teething again! This time it's his canines. I hope they go better than his molars!