Jacob's vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds this week! He's extended his first word, "cat" into "kitty-cat" which he says all the time. He loves chasing our cats around the house and he loves to pet them too. He's also added "up" and "kiss" and his newest favorite, "hi" to his vocabulary. After saying "hi" to him twenty times a day since the day he was born, he's started saying it back. Now he says it whenever I come into his room at night. It melts my heart. Here's a picture of us at the Baltimore Pride Parade.

Jacob continues to make progress with walking. He actually loves to walk all over, but still insists on holding on to something or someone. We're hoping he'll soon get tired of needing us to get from here to there and will just take some steps on his own. Here's a couple of videos:
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