Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Master of the Spoon

Jacob is feeding himself with a spoon! And I caught it on video! Recently, mealtime has been a struggle because Jacob wants to feed himself everything, even yogurt. Of course, he starts with putting his whole hand in the bowl which usually leads to some interesting food art on his table ... and on his shirt ... and on the floor ... and on his face. Caroline and I hold our tongues because it's all part of the learning process, but it's hard! So now he's got his own dishes and spoons which are designed to help him learn how to eat with utensils. When he's motivated, he can get a good four or five spoonfuls in his mouth. And in between his own bites, he takes some of ours.

In other news, Jacob is mastering his floor skills, rolling all around, getting up, laying down and crawling ... backwards anyway. We're in his last month of infancy. Next month - toddlerhood.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello! Good-bye!

Jacob's pappa Jack and his partner Ramsey visited this past weekend. Jacob had a blast. He loves his pappa. Jack's parents joined us on Friday afternoon. Jacob really enjoyed spending time with them. I can also see where Jacob's smile comes from - his Grandpa Jack! They really do look alike. Jacob can't wait until next month when he sees them all again.

Jack and Jacob both overjoyed.

Just a cute picture of the sleepy guy.

What's this stubbly stuff, Pappa? Jacob loves to play with his pappa's face.

Jack's parents (Pop-pop & mom-mom) came to visit. L-R Ramsey, Jack, Jacob, Jack Sr., Helen. This picture is suffering from too many picture takers.

L-R Ramsey, Jack, Jacob, Caroline, Helen, Aimee

Skills update - Jacob is feeding himself very well now-a-days so we're trying all sorts of new finger foods. Avocado toast is still a favorite. He's also waving hello/good-bye. It's so cute. Every time he learns something new, he wakes up doing it. I found him waving hello when I got him from his room this morning. So fun!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year! Part II

Jacob's second week in California was full of sun and fun! Here are some pictures:

Caroline and Jacob at the entrance to the San Diego Zoo! It was a beautiful day!

Jacob visits with a bunny at the petting zoo.

Jacob really honed his eating skills while in California. Here he's eating toast with avocado. He loves it! He feeds himself very well now and almost insists on doing it all the time.

At Balboa Park we had a picnic...

...swung on the swings...

... played in the sandbox...

...and rolled around on the grass.

Jacob is also a budding musician.

It was a great trip for Jacob. Coming soon ... pictures from Pappa's visit!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year! Part I

Jacob finished the last two weeks of 2008 in California visiting the Harmon family. It was a busy two weeks!

First we went to Palm Desert where Jacob's Grandpa Steve lives. Jacob's godmother came down from Oakland to spend the day with us and we celebrated Hanukkah. We spent 5 days out there enjoying the sun and palm trees and took a dip in the hot tub. Jacob had a blast.

Then on Christmas Eve we headed back to San Diego where Jacob's Grandma Alice, Uncle David and Aunt Katherine live. We visited many many folks in both places. Jacob even experienced some milestones along the way. Jacob's eighth tooth came in while we were there. Also, Jacob honed his skills preparing to crawl. And Jacob now feeds himself! Here are some pictures:

Jacob's first trip to the beach. He was asleep.

Jacob went to the light show at the Living Desert. Here he is entranced by the fire pit. His godmother, Tyra, joined us.

Showing off his Caroline's Alma Mater.

Swimming with mommies and Grandpa Steve.

At the Mission Cafe on Christmas Eve. We got to spend some time with dear friends, Chris and Thomas.

Surrounded by presents Christmas morning.

Week two of our trip will be in an upcoming post!