Friday, April 10, 2009


Just a quick update and some pictures. We're waiting for spring to really take hold. Every time the weather gets nice, mother nature takes it back and makes it cold again. Today was warm and the rain that was supposed to arrive didn't so we decided to sit on the grass awhile. Jacob didn't realize right away that he could crawl on the grass like he could the floor, but once he saw something he wanted, he remembered.

Jacob has been teething. Two pre-molars are coming up on the bottom and they've given him (and us) a really hard time. Lots of random crying and night-waking. One has already cut, but the other is still working its way up. Hopefully, we'll have some relief soon.

Jacob's pappa was in town for a short trip this week. Jacob really enjoys his visits with pappa. It's fun to watch the two of them together.

Pappa & Jacob
Playing on the grass.

"Gimme that camera!"

Pondering his next move.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Favorite Game

Here's a video of one of Jacob's favorite games: knock the blocks down, aka, Demolition Man! We use this game to keep him moving around the family room. (Gotta tire this guy out somehow!) Along with this game, Jacob loves to play hide and seek. It's so fun to see the grin that comes across his face!

The weather here has been pretty disappointing. We're itching to go outside and swing or hike, but it's still cold and rainy. Jacob is still working on two new teeth which is making him a bit cranky. This weekend we have Aidan's birthday party. We're looking forward to it.