Friday, September 5, 2008


Jacob started solid foods about a month ago. His discovery of eating is so much fun! Initially, he didn't know what to make of the rice cereal we were feeding him and the spoon we were using. Now he eagerly opens his mouth for a spoonful of something.

Caroline makes all of his food at home using recipes from various resources. Of course, being from California, she was very invested in his affection for avocado. At first, he rejected the green fruit. But after several tries, we added a bit of breast milk to it and he enjoyed it very much! We had the same experience with bananas. He rejected it over and over, so we took a break. Then recently Caroline tried again by mixing it with yogurt and he loved it. Today, I fed him straight banana ... okay, there was a hint of breast milk in it.

Currently, his solid food diet consists of apples, bananas, rice cereal, yogurt, and avocado when it's available. We will be adding carrots this week.

Three more weeks until our trip to Bubbie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bring yer dancin' shoes to San Diego, BabyJacobWonderful!!
Great Blog, Co-Mamas!!!

~~Great Aunt Holly